Humpty Dumpty

Don’t forget to enter my giveaway for SpellQuizzer!

Okay, so I’m trying out Flickr for my photos, so here goes:

Supplies needed: Nursery Rhyme book, printouts (print Humpty on cardstock, if he’s going to fall), brad, construction paper,

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall

1. Print out the printouts.



2. Color. That’s super duper easy. Of course it becomes harder if you color it so much with the markers that it doesn’t really cut so much as tear, but that’s another problem.

Cutting out

3. Start cutting it out. Once you’re doing that discover that paper that is soaked in marker does not cut well. Cry to Mom, who of course can solve every problem known to man. That’s what my kids honestly believe.

4. While they’re busy cutting out the other pieces give them a piece of construction paper for the wall. Tell them to cut it in half. Watch in dismay as Princess creates confetti. Oh well, I guess Humpty can just fall. Oh, and then realize you didn’t bring down construction paper for yourself, so grab a handy napkin and cut that in half. It works somewhat as a wall. Sure it’s kind of see through, but it works. Just keep repeating that to yourself.

5. Now grab Humpty and poke a hole through him and the wall with the brad. Sorry no pictures of this process, I was too busy trying to keep the mad gluers from glueing down everything in sight.

6. First glue the words on the top of the page. One verse per page. Now glue down the wall, then the various soldiers, kids, and horse. Like I said I had the mad gluers, so no pictures.


7. Do you see the crazy stowaway, who was hiding in the midst of the project? O-Mite got himself shut up in the book for the weekend, and I barely found him this morning.

Now check out these cool projects:

Official Mommy version, notice the napkin wall, quite nice looking.

Batman’s green. He’s in a green phase, this caused problem this morning while playing with puzzles, but it makes for easy identification of who drew what.

princess dumpty
Princess worked very hard on hers, and had a very distinct vision, it had very little to do with what I was doing. I dread her teenage years.

Superman added a bit more color, and as you can see there’s our little stowaway. He hides well.

Here’s a link to our original Humpty Dumpty. I think the original turned out cuter because of the larger page size, but my kids are happy enough with their new ones, so I’m not going to complain.

Linked to We Made it Friday. (link will go live Friday)

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