Outstanding Blogger Award

Terra over at Monkey See, Monkey Do and Discovering Montessori over at The Work Plan both gave me this award.  I’m horrid at following through on awards, but this seemed like an excellent excuse to tell you IT’S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!  And so you get to learn seven things about me for my birthday.

0041.  I love birthdays!  Can you tell?  I drop not so subtle hints to my friends and family for weeks and sometimes months ahead of time.  One of my primary love languages is gifts, so I’m all about the little presents.  Jeff brought me home Dublin Dr. Pepper the other day, and it was AWESOME!

2.  I routinely mistype the captchas on blogs.  Really, why does my computer supply a finished version of it that just messes up how it’s spelled?  That or I forget they’re there and then close the window before I type it in.  So, if you’ve ever not gotten a comment and your captcha pops up after I’ve hit enter that’s why.  I didn’t realize in time and didn’t go back to check.  I’m getting better at this.  Kinda.

Batman's popcorn sandwich 3.  As a leftie I hate erasable pens and a lot of the fountain pens or many of the nicer ones.  My hand turns all black and I just smear the ink.  It’s not pretty.  I had to search out quick drying pens for my Bible story pictures because I kept smearing the ink. (How do you like Batman’s popcorn sandwich?)

4.  I’m a sucker for a good young adult fantasy or sci-fi series.  I’ve read most of them and can provide a lot of recommendations in that area.

5.  I love book orders.  When I was teaching I easily spent half my salary on those things.  I’m so stoked now that my kids are old enough for my homeschool: “Last Name Academy” to be considered an official school and get those.

6.  I am rather hard on my electronics, particularly my camera.  I’m amazed it’s survived almost 3 years.  I think I should get the fancy kid camera for my next one, it’s nearly indestructible.

7.  I talk to myself.  A LOT.  I also have imaginary conversations with Jeff, and then wonder why he doesn’t remember talking to me about something.  This drives him slightly nuts.  Poor guy, he puts up with a lot.

And there you go.  Ummmm……..  I can’t find the image that’s supposed to go with this, and I’m going to not pass this on.

12 thoughts on “Outstanding Blogger Award

  1. Happy Birthday! You share your birthday with a very very special person…my daughter! She is 2 years old today! Also, I think she might be left handed as well. I know they say that hand dominance doesn't actually show until they are 3 or 4 but she prefers to use her left hand for most things especially scribbling. I'd love to hear some YA recommendations! I've realized for the last year of so, most of the books that I've read have been nonfiction so I have been trying to read more fiction lately. Happy Birthday again, special people are born on July 25!

  2. Happy Birthday! I love birthdays too, but my husband thinks they are silly. Sigh.

    My husband is a lefty and complains about pens, chalkboards, and dry-erase boards. He is also kind of sad that none of our children are lefties.

    I'm hard on my camera and also hard on vacuum cleaners!

    I LOVE book orders too! I also talk to myself and love young adult fiction! Too bad you live so far away.

  3. Happy birthday! (I'm getting it in there just in the nick of time.) I hope your day was fun. If not, have lots of fun tomorrow to make up for it. Our b-days are 3 days apart! I love that you have imaginary conversations with your husband and then get mad at him for not remembering. I enjoyed your list.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sorry I'm late to the party…

    I have the same problem with those CAPTCHA things. They are my nemesis in blogdom. And I'm no good with the awards, either, I have a whole list of them written down somewhere and get overwhelmed every time I look at them.

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