Can you help another Mom?

One of the lovely ladies in my MOPS group is going through a major test of faith right now.

Here’s what she had to say:

My 8 month old daughter, Ainsley, was diagnosed 3 months ago with Sagittal Craniosynostosis – fusion of the sagittal suture at the top of her skull. Essentially, her soft spot fused shortly after birth, so her head is only able to grow front to back (not side to side). She’ll be having surgery on April 12th to remove a strip of skull and insert a dissolvable plate. She will likely be in Pediatric ICU at Dell Children’s for 5 days and then will be on very limited activity for 8 weeks, light activity for 12-16 weeks. I’ll be taking a leave of absence from my job for the remainder of the spring to care for her.
We keep a family blog, and I just did a post asking for fabric donations for a quilt I’m sewing for Ainsley. I’d like people to pray over a 12×12 square of fabric and then give it to me to sew into a patchwork quilt for Ainsley to have during her recovery at the hospital and at home. I’d love for anyone in MOPS to donate a square if they feel so compelled. Here’s my blog with the info. You can feel free to share that. I’m hoping to have the squares by March 11th so I can work on it over Spring Break.
Mostly, I covet prayers. It would mean the most to me if people would pray for her leading up to surgery and beyond. It’s so hard to have your sweet baby undergo something so serious. Also, prayers for my 3 year old daughter, Emerson. I know things will change a lot during this period of time and that may be difficult for her to understand.
Thank you for thinking of me.I am truly touched!
I emailed her to see if I could put this up on my blog, and she had no problem with it.  If any of you are so inclined just followed the link and all the information you need is there (and if any of you are going to try and embroider anything she did say she was going to cut the squares down smaller if she gets enough to make it smaller).
She’s asked for 100% cotton 12×12 squares, so my plan is to go up to my sewing/school room this afternoon and look through it all.
And I’ll return to my regularly scheduled posts later on today, I just need time to write them, but this was the most important one to my mind.

6 thoughts on “Can you help another Mom?

  1. My niece had this same surgery when she was about a year old. She is now 23 and has two beautiful babies of her own. I'll be praying for Ainsley and her baby!

  2. I will certainly be praying. 🙂 I will also post this on my Facebook page so maybe others will pray and send materials as well. Thank you for sharing this.

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